Written 20 years ago this column probably marks the very begining of Boo and my return to "the street", getting out and enjoying adult life in a community that has so much to offer. Now we celebrate this lifestyle and share our experiences weekly in my CrescentCityLive column. If you do not already receive that newsletter click here to subscribe. There's also a calendar of the kind of entertainment we enjoy. After reading this column you may feel a need to click here to find some fun for your "evening out"
As I tickle the keyboard playing this rhapsody of positive, hopeful, helpful, meaningful words, I feel wonderful this morning. The Love Doctor really enjoyed this weekend. I made some money (one of my favorite things), watched the Saints with relatives at my brother's house and on Friday, Boo and I spent a memorable (and inexpensive) evening out (supporting our own community in the process by leaving a few dollars in Black hands.)
I am sharing the events of this weekend so that some of you might benefit from the role model of a successful marriage of over 20 years. After all, someone has to show the beginners how its done, and who better than the Love Doctor and Boo? Some of you older folks might benefit if you're not too hard headed. I think I'll start with Sunday and work backwards.
NFL Sunday! What can I say, food galore, moderately consuming spirits, surrounded by people who know you well enough so that you can say or do almost anything without embarrassment and the hometown team goes 6 - O. There's only one thing better and we'll get to that toward the end of the column.
Sunday morning found the Love Doctor becoming nervous and fidgety as the clock approached 11:AM. I was ready to get over to my brother's place but Boo wasn't dressed yet. I had to communicate the importance of the Pre-Game Conference Ritual with its loud predictions, side betting, high fiving over mutual observations, teasing and "talking trash". It was only then that she understood my desire to get there some time before the kickoff and speeded up a little. She told me that I could save some time by getting the 5 year old ready, so we got there right after the kickoff. Some men would have been upset, but instead of pouting, I consoled myself that it could have been worse (half time) and proceeded to thoroughly enjoy my Sunday afternoon.
Saturday was nice. When you read about Friday evening, you will understand why I awoke with my batteries charged Saturday morning. If I wasn't going to feel guilty about spending all day Sunday goofing off, I knew I had to get something accomplished Saturday. I did some work on the house, interviewed a couple of clients (made money), did a little business shopping, spent a little "quality time" with our and my sister in law's kids and cleaned and grilled fish which had been freshly caught that day by my other sister in law. I was one of those nice easygoing but productive days.
One could hardly help but have a nice Saturday when it had been preceded a Friday evening such as the one Boo and I enjoyed. It started simply. I combed my hair, changed from a tee shirt to one with a collar and buttons and replaced my sneakers with my favorite "boat shoes". Boo got herself looking rather gorgeous in a casual sort of way and we went to the theatre. (no not the movies, not some broadway show, but The Theatre, Black Theatre.) The occasion was the Ninth Annual Black Theatre Festival. The festival is a collection of productions, presented by the Alliance for Community Theatres at Delgado last weekend and this weekend). Black Community Theatre is really "fun" (and cheap at $6, per adult).
Boo and I enjoyed the live presentation of "Jazz Set", a lively and unique dramatization of how Black experiences give our Music its depth and feeling. I came away with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the uniqueness of African - American music.
There is nothing like "live theatre". You find yourself "getting involved", forgetting that the people on stage are much like yourself, living loving and working in the Crescent City.
There was a young (college aged) couple I observed in the audience. By the way she looked at the brother, I could tell that the sister was impressed with his culture and refinement. That young man reminded me of my self at that age (always looking for an inexpensive way to impress a lady).
After the play, we rushed on over to Eddie's Restaurant (on Law St.) It was wonderful! Trout Baquet - more that enough fish, covered with crab meat, sitting in a pool of butter sauce, broiled to perfection and served by the nicest, sweetest waitress. Ambrosia. Boo had the Catfish Jourdain, with its shrimp, crab meat and garlic sauce poured over golden brown battered fillets. The dishes included an ample salad and still were only $8 each. (I didn't know if I should put this into my widely read and greatly appreciated column. I would hate to have to wait in a line next time Boo and I decide to satisfy our palates at the now famous neighborhood restaurant.). Nowadays if you want those menu items, you have to go to L'il Dizzy's
This brings us to something all of you old married men need to remember, and you young bucks need to understand. Fellahs, if you want the "WOMAN" to come out, you have to get her away from her "job". As long as she is in the house, she is a housekeeper or mother. You've got to get her out of the house for a few hours, looking like she wants to feel, so she can remember that she is sexy, special and deserves to enjoy herself with her "MAN" (that's you). You see, there is nothing quite like a lady who knows she looks good and has been distracted from her routine duties by entertainment. She is confident and relaxed, her mind and body freed to the pursuit of her own pleasure. Add to that the sensual experience of fine food (prepared and served by someone else) and you should be well on your way to once again experiencing the wonders of "marital bliss" (unless you say something stupid on your way home).
You might want to forward this to all your fuddy duddy stick in the mud friends.