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Derek Dabbs at Sweet Lorraine’s

I got excited when I read in the email that Derek Dabbs was going to be back onstage at Sweet Lorraine's. Boo was as excited as I when I responded positively to the facebook invite to last Friday's performance. We were not disappointed.

Derek has this kind of rocking groove thing when he is the feature. His “State of Mind” and “Dream Come True” Cds are on of our road trip music list. That Derek Dabbs groove is perfect for easing down the highway. While Derek is also an accomplished accompanist with a broad repertoire and stylistic range when backing up vocalist and other musicians, when he is out front he leans heavily on the percussive aspect of his keyboard's piano voice merging melody and rythym into what is a very distinct and immediately recognizable style, that Derek Dabbs grove. Great to see him back in town and back in the saddle.